A way out of seven stinky struggles

that every freelancer, business owner, or manager repeatedly steps into:

MailEASY email scripts

Skip hours of unproductive thinking & raise your prices now

Since learning about MailEASY, I've managed to communicate higher prices and integrate into my life a goal of raising my prices every couple of years. I'm grateful I bought the email template about the price increase because those few dollars have helped me earn thousands more.
Rudite Bird
Online business manager

Are you a serial procrastinator when it comes to difficult emails ?

After getting my hands on MailEASY, I no longer doubt myself. Because. I know I rely on the scripts developed by an experienced and successful world-class top-level hard-core businesswoman. With these email templates, I'm more confident and more successful. I recommend this to everyone who writes emails.
Eve Anderson
Business owner

MailEASY email scripts can save you 180 hours of wasted time & remorse...
every year

Need to fire a client? Got it! Remind about an overdue payment? Done! Announce a price increase? Got you covered. They will pay more with pleasure! Fed up with extra work and scope creeps? But what to say, and how to say it? Find these answers and much more in MailEASY scripts!

How does your email writing look?

1 hour – thinking you’ll do it but… tomorrow.

4 hours – start and finish a task you usually hate doing.

2 hours – writing a new to-do list and including this nasty email at the top!

2 hours – OK, it’s the day! What to write? Nothing comes to mind. Maybe it will resolve on its own?

2 hours – searching through Facebook groups, asking for help, and watching a few (a lot of…) cat videos in the process. 1 hour – thinking that I am doing it NOW. Looking at the cursor blinking…

3 hours – writing and rewriting.

I pulled this from my old timesheets. And I know yours look similar. Am I right, or am I right? 15 years ago, MailEASY would have saved me at least 180 hours every year: 15 hours times 1 difficult email a month.

What is your hourly rate? 10usd? 20usd? 50usd? 500usd? It means you are losing at least 1’800usd every year on unproductive dealing with difficult emails. Yikes!

Get a crazy high return on investment by purchasing all the MailEASY scripts for 97usd now and save 1’800usd every year for the rest of your life

You'll benefit greatly from MailEASY if:

Solve these headaches in 30 seconds or less

Let the canned email responses do the heavy lifting for you

I like having a great view, so I’ve chosen to reside on the 5th floor of an old historic building with a huge downside – no elevator!

I used to order 6 bottles of wine, so I don’t have to bring them up to the 5th floor. Delivery guys do the lifting, and I enjoy a glass of wine!

This time, I’ve delivered those heavy wine bottles to your doorstep. We both know we’re talking about MailEASY email templates now, right!?

I’ve invested decades of hard work in perfecting my business communication. You just have to open and enjoy!

Want only Cabernet Savignon, I mean, one specific canned response? No problem! Choose what you like for 17usd each or enjoy them all and save 22usd (and get more than 1 bottle for free).

Do you enjoy home deliveries ?

7 templates - buy one, two, three, or all to $ave 22

MailEASY email scripts

Bonuses included

Your time is money!
Start saving thousands of $$$ every year when you stop procrastinating & endless rewriting

Side effects from using MailEASY


Work emails no longer leave me exhausted

Work emails used to leave me drained and tired of my own doubt. Is my tone polite enough and strict enough at the same time? Is there really a painless way of asking a client to pay or pay more? It turns out there is.

Since I'm using MailEASY pre-written templates, my workflow is more manageable, and I'm done with email correspondence much faster. Also, I've noticed I've even started to enjoy tough conversations about pricing since I know the right thing to say. So cool!
Anette Abel
Project manager

I used to suffer with every difficult email, literally

What to do if you need to send a letter that can lead to an unpleasant confrontation? Honestly, I used to fear my failure to handle tricky situations with grace. What if the client leaves me? Can't afford that. What if I make a mistake? What if he calls me and starts shouting? Pfff.
MailEASY has brought me great relief and stopped my inability to decide. Now I can handle sensitive work situations easily because I know what I'm doing. A nice feeling that boosts my self-esteem. So. Don't miss out on all the MailEASY scripts!
Eva Boicenko
Graphic designer


MailEASY is a package of email scripts for difficult cases with clients that every freelancer, business owner, or manager experiences several times a year. MailEASY is developed specifically to cover only the sensitive situations that are difficult to handle.

An email script is a pre-written email response for a particular situation.

After purchasing MailEASY, you receive a PDF, the respective email script in Google Docs, and Instructions in Google Docs. You can copy the email script to your email and adjust it after reading the advice given in the script. Or you can use a little trick to convert an email script into a new Gmail draft with a click of a button (covered by the Instructions in Google Docs).

MailEASY email scripts are versatile and easily customizable for your particular case. Before each script, advice is given on the tone of voice, what not to say, and how to handle the situation in general. After reading the advice, you might even prepare your own unique response if you want to. Or you can send a slightly modified version of MailEASY pre-written email responses.

Yes, you can! Upon purchase, you will receive the Instructions file where you can read how to do it or watch a short video tutorial.

Click on the yellow chat bubble in the bottom-right corner if your question is not answered here!

MailEASY users have chosen to shut up the tormenting doubt

Who am I & why MailEASY canned email responses are better than others

Hello, I am Jana, your finance wizard.

For the last 15+ years, I have worked with hundreds of international companies and helped them increase profit. McDonald’s, Samsung, LG, CircleK, Unilever, 4Finance, Heidelberg, and many more are among them.

Now I help small business owners and freelancers do the same through strategic pricing, improving their money mindset, and properly managing business and personal finances.

While coaching my clients, I’ve noticed that most have struggled with business communication at some point. That led to the creation of super easy and helpful MailEASY scripts.

I have written thousands of sensitive and difficult emails and perfected both the words and tone to get the desired outcome. You’re welcome to use my craft!

Privacy Info

By purchasing these scripts, you will receive my newsletter. I don’t send emails often, but they are super valuable when I do. You can unsubscribe any time if you don’t want them for any reason.

Refund Policy

This is a low-cost product, so no refunds apply.

These scripts are not for you if you manage tricky client situations fast and efficiently, never doubt yourself, and problems always resolve in your favor. It is also not for you if you expect not to do anything at all, including pushing a SEND button.