Diagnose Your Profit Potential

Do you feel frustrated or annoyed when smart-ass people on the internet throw around generic advice that doesn’t fit your unique situation? You’re not alone.

For a small business owner or freelancer, implementing unsuitable advice is harmful and time-consuming. One size does not fit all.

Personally, I could never do the disservice of taking a random generic solution and throwing it at your face as the ultimate holy grail. 

That’s why we created Profit Potential Diagnostics. It’s a short but valuable process for you to uncover where the additional profit of your business is hiding.

I have developed Profit Potential Diagnostics because I could never do the disservice of taking a random generic solution and throwing it at your face as the ultimate holy grail. I understand. You are different, and so are your circumstances.

This diagnostics examines every single aspect of your business’ earning potential and scalability within an hour, so you can instantly pinpoint what’s stopping you from finally unlocking profit goals that exceed your wildest expectations.

What exactly is Profit Potential Diagnostics (PPD)

The process of Profit Potential Diagnostics was invented by experienced and highly qualified profit mentor Jana Landisa. Together with a talented team of programmers, she has created this powerful and effective diagnostic tool supported by innovative software. With PPD you can instantly pinpoint what’s stopping you from finally unlocking profit goals that exceed your wildest expectations.

Benefits of the PROCESS

Profit Potential Diagnostics

Benefits of the RESULTS

Profit Potential Diagnostics

200 $

Origin & experience

About the author of PPD

PPD is built on my 15+ years of experience doing business consulting with hundreds of international companies to help them:

  • manage their finances, so they’re making more and saving more
  • structure business deals in the most profitable way, saving them millions of dollars annually

Together with a highly talented team of programmers who enriched my process with streamlined software, we have created this innovative diagnostic tool.

You can find out here everything about my education, certification, career, and entrepreneurial journey. Or purchase your diagnostics, improve your earnings and get to know me better when we work together.

PPD has been helpful for service providers, business owners, freelancers, and managers who prefer an intelligent and personalized approach. It’s a significant first step to uncovering the extra profit in your business and starting working with a mentor toward your profit goals.

Work with me 1:1

Diagnosing your earning potential can be the first step in working together to achieve your profit goals.

It can be a short-term collaboration if you are not ready for a commitment. However, I vote for long-term work where we can achieve more significant and longer-lasting results.

1:1 is the most exclusive way to work with me. It’s more than mentorship; this is partnership and friendship. I am immersing into your business like it is my own.

200 $

Stellar & long-lasting results

Pink Unifox